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Deposit & Shipping

Shipping Policy

  1. UniRents offers free shipping for all rental items, ensuring delivery to the customer's door at no additional charge.

  2. Customers can select rental durations of one or two weeks for their desired products.

  3. At the end of the rental period, UniRents will handle the return of the products free of charge.

  4. UniRents takes responsibility for organizing and covering the shipping costs associated with the return of the rental items.

  5. Customers are responsible for providing accurate delivery address and contact details for smooth shipping operations.

  6. UniRents cannot guarantee specific delivery dates or times but will make every effort to ship the rental items in a timely manner.


  1. When booking a rental item from UniRents, customers are required to pay a deposit equal to 20% of the price listed on the website.

  2. The deposit, referred to as "VAT" or "Sales Tax"during the checkout process, will be collected from the customer.

  3. The deposit will be returned within 3 weeks after the return of the products.

  4. UniRents will assess the condition of the returned products and determine the deposit refund based on the following criteria:

    • 100% refund: If 100% to 75% of the products returned are in conditions to be reused.

    • 50% refund: If 75% to 30% of the products returned are in conditions to be reused.

    • 0% refund: If 30% to 0% of the products returned are in conditions to be reused.

  5. UniRents takes full responsibility for evaluating the reusability of the products based on two criteria: -

    • Reusability: UniRents will consider if the products can be provided to future students or if renting them in reduced, bad conditions would affect the reputation of UniRents' brand quality.

    • Sustainability: UniRents aims to reduce waste by considering borderline products based on sustainability criteria.

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